Resume of Experience and Curriculum Vitae

George E. King is a Registered Professional Engineer (Oklahoma PE 10831 and Texas PE 110993)) with over 45 years oilfield experience since starting with Amoco Production Research in 1971. His technical background includes basic research on energized fracturing, production and fracturing chemicals, acidizing, asphaltenes, perforating cleanup, well integrity and completions, complex formations (North Sea chalk, San Juan coal, Alaskan and Canadian heavy/viscous oil, US tight gas, GoM Deep Water, and Niobrara shale), unconventional resources in the Barnett Shale , Horn River Shale, Eagle Ford Shale, Fayetteville Shale, Gothic Shale) sand control, low pressure gas well operations and applications work on coiled tubing, cutoff, formation damage and well repair operations.
Technical accomplishments include 75 technical papers, a book on completions and workovers, Distinguished Lecturer on foam fracturing for the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) during 1985-86, and a Completions Course Lecturer on horizontal wells for the SPE Short Course series in 1999. Industry positions held include Technical Chairman of the 1992 SPE Annual Fall Meeting, past API subcommittee chair on perforating, eleven years adjunct professor at the University of Tulsa (teaching senior level and graduate credit well completions and fracturing courses at night), and numerous SPE committees on forums, paper selection committees and Applied Technology workshops. Awards include the Amoco Vice President’s Award for technology from Amoco in 1997, API service award in 1994, the 2004 SPE Production Operations Award and the 2012 Engineer of the Year award from the Houston Region of the Society of Professional Engineers. He maintains a web site with free downloads of petroleum engineering educational materials at
Positions Held
Amoco, Tulsa Research Center, June 1, 1971 to January 1, 1999. Responsibilities – internal Amoco lab and consulting service for field completion and production operations. Topics covered every production engineering topic with emphasis on production chemistry, fracture cleanup, perforating, recompletions, well repair, brines, formation damage and sand control. Work scope was worldwide. Developed and taught Amoco courses on acidizing, perforating, coiled tubing, horizontal completions, formation damage and completions. Specific field work included identification of the major formation failure mechanism for Norway’s Valhall field,
University of Tulsa – Jan 1988 to Dec 1998. Adjunct Professor. Taught senior engineering courses in Frac Stimulation and Well Completions / Workovers at night while working for Amoco.
BP-Amoco and BP – January 1, 1999 to January 15, 2008. Responsibilities – Petroleum engineering consulting and new technology advocate. Honored with Distinguished Advisor status in April 2001 (one of five world-wide technical DA positions). Worked with business units on sand control, workovers and interventions, annular pressure control and low pressure gas wells. Developed and taught top rated courses on completions and sand control for the BP-Chevron Training Alliance. Retired after 37 years on January 15, 2008.
Rimrock Energy LLC – January 16, 2008 to January 30, 2009. Joined as Sr. VP of Engineering of the start-up company and oversaw fracturing operations that solved several of the major technical hurdles of fracturing in the outer fringes of the Barnett shale without penetrating into water. Left the company when the focus was changed from active drilling and fracturing to a no-growth plan on production-only operations.
Consulting – February 2009 to August 31, 2009. Consulting on completions, stimulation, interventions, shale well fracturing, well operations and workovers in general Petroleum Engineering and energy related innovation. Clients included Apache, OMV (Austria), Santos (Australia), Southwestern Energy, Energy Ventures (Norway), Murphy Oil, Stone Energy, DeepStar (deep water) Consortium and others.
Apache August 31, 2009 to September 4, 2018 - Distinguished Engineering Advisor, involved in Technology Transfer, Shale Developments, Fracturing, Production Chemistry, completions and Intellectual Property capture.
Technical Advances
Industry Resource - Published the first publically released risk estimates and explanations of environmental impact in hydraulic fracturing activities (SPE 152596). A shortened version of the 80 page paper was reviewed and published in SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, April 2012.
Industry Resource - Published a comprehensive set of risk estimates of barrier failure and integrity failure using reviews of studies of over 650.000 wells. Explained the difference between barrier failure and integrity failure and explained common factors in methane gas migration. SPE 166142 is available through . The report is a peer-reviewed publication.
Industry Resource - Published a highly documented and referenced history of gas shale fracturing titles "Thirty Years of Gas Shale Fracturing: What Have We Learned?" (SPE 133456)
Basic Production Advancement - Researched and developed some of the earliest industry fluid loss data on fully dynamic equipment for fluid loss prediction in foamed fracturing systems (SPE 6817, SPE 14477). Was active in development of early foam fracs in western US with Amoco and saw solid stimulation gains in low pressure, under-saturated and water sensitive gas wells.
Basic Production Advancement – Duplicated failure mechanism for completion failures and helped develop earliest successful completion methods in the Norwegian Valhall field (SPE J. Pet. Tech., Nov 1982, and Masters Thesis at University of Tulsa). The results of the work enabled a one billion dollar investment in Valhall Field, which reached peak rates of 130,000 bopd, using horizontal wells and multiple fracturing with high networking (secondary plane fracture development).
Basic Production Advancement – Studied underbalance perforating relationships and found the link between underbalance and formation permeability/flow (J. Pet. Tech., June 1986). This underbalance perforating and cleanup work was the foundation of cleanup calculations and perforation flow optimization and continues to be referenced in articles on the subject.
Corrosion Protection – Was instrumental in assisting an inventor to bring an idea to the market to do in-place lining of casing using high performance plastics for injection and disposal wells. Saw this idea through from conception through prototype and on to commercial development.
Basic Production Advancement – Examined the correlation between increasing skin and sand control completions and identified sorting and the influence of fines on gravel pack productivity (SPE 39437). Sharing these finding with the industry has contributed to the move to fines-passing screens, flux research, controlled drawdown application and decreased skins in high productivity wells.
Global Sand Control Impact – Constructed a 2000+ well database through cooperation and networking across 40 companies and drew out the first proven reliability figures for sand control completions. Made this work available free to the industry (SPE 84262). Impact has enabled better understanding of how and why sand control completions fail and how they can be improved.
Prototyped and built a 100+ training module data base in all phases of technical production engineering for training engineers. Will soon be available on the industry on my web site.
Focused geology, geochemistry, and rock mechanics and fracturing knowledge to increase surface area contact in Barnett gas shales during fracturing and understand how to limit fracture extension into the bottom water zone. (SPE 119896).
Researched topics of Shale Gas Fracturing including optimizing frac initiation points, studying effect of rate of fluid returns on well performance and increasing complex or network fracturing to improve production (SPE 119896, SPE 133456, SPE 140105). Have collaborated with industry experts and now teach 2-day seminars on shale completions, fracturing and water management for the SPE.
BS, Major in Chemistry, Oklahoma State - 1972
BS in Chemical Engineering, University of Tulsa - 1976
MS in Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa – 1982
Professional Engineering status – PE 10831 (Oklahoma) by test in 1978 (EIT in 1976), kept current by continuing technical and ethics education training
2015 Distinguished Member Award from Society of Petroleum Engineers.
2012 Engineer of the Year from Greater Houston Regions's Texas Society of Professional Engineers
SPE Production Operations Award 2004
Distinguished Avisor Status, 2001
SPE Short Course Lecturer, 1999
Silver Beaver Award, Boy Scouts of America
Amoco Vice President’s Award for Technology, 1997.
Service award from API, 1994.
SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 1985/85
Eagle Scout Award, July 1963.
SPE and Industry Committee Work
Presents the SPE Shale Completion and Fracturing Course internationally
SPE Technical Chairman, SPE Annual Technical Meeting, 1992, Washington D.C.
Paper selection committees at SPE Production Operations Symposium (2 yrs), SPE International Chemistry Symposium (2 yrs), SPE Formation Damage Symposium (3 yrs) and SPE annual meetings (3x2 yrs)– 1986 through 2009.
Chaired discussions on industry meetings on horizontal wells, Houston, 1992, 1993, 1994. (organized by local SPE chapter).
Chairman of the API Subcommittee on Perforating, 1984 to 1994.
Taught multiple SPE short courses on coiled tubing, horizontal well completion, sand control and general completions.
Taught the Completions and Interventions course at the BP-Chevron training center from 2000 to 2007. ( .
Served as presenter, discussion leader or organizer on 11 SPE forums -1984 to present.
Have participated (presented and helped organize) SPE ATW’s including sand control, intelligent wells and horizontal wells.
Serving on SPE Distinguished Lecturer selection committee – 2003-2009.
SPE Distinguished Lecture on foam fluids 1985/86.
SPE Short Course presenter (1998/99) on Completions.
Was on the Advisory Panel for Schlumberger’s Oilfield Review publication for 15 years, reviewing articles for scientific content, completeness and objectivity.
King, G.E.: “Lessons for a Downturn,” Guest Editorial, JPT, August 2016, pp 14-15.
King, G. E., & Valencia, R. L. (2016, February 1). Well Integrity for Fracturing and Re-Fracturing: What Is Needed and Why? Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/179120-MS
King, G.E., Durham, D. Chapter in Hydraulic Fracturing: Environmental Issues, Edited by Donna L. Drogos, V 1216, Publication (Web) December 15, 2015. American Chemical Society
ISBN13: 9780841231221, eISBN: 9780841231214, DOI: 10.1021/bk-2015-1216
King, G.E.: “Economics Favor Refracs of Horizontal Wells in Unconventional Plays,” American Oil and Gas Reporter April 2015,
King, G.E.: "60 Years of Multi-Fractured Vertical, Deviated and Horizontal Wells: What Have We Learned?" SPE 170952, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-29 October 2014.
King, G.E., Valencia, R.L.: "Environmental Risk and Well Integrity of Plugged and Abandoned Wells," SPE 170949, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-29 October 2014.
King, G.E.: "Best practices lead to successful shale fracturing," World Oil, March 2014, pp S-79-S-83.
King, G.E.: "Improving Recovery Factors in Liquid-Rich Resource Plays Requires New Approaches," The American Oil & Gas Reporter, March 2014, pp67-77.
King, G.E., King, D.E.: "Estimating Risk Arising from Well Construction Failure: Differences Between Barrier Failure and Well Integrity Failure and Estimates of Failure Frequency Across Common Well Types, Locations and Well Age," SPE 166142, Submitted 24 June 2013, peer reviewed and accepted for publication on September 26, 2013, SPE Production and Operations Journal, November, 2013.
Goswick, S., Seybold, E., King, G.E., Erickson, B., Bahorich, M., Bruckman, M., Chapel, F.: "Evolution of Dual Fuel Pressure Pumping for Fracturing: Methods, Economics, Field Trial Results and Improvements in Availability of Fuel," SPE 166443, presented at New Orleans, LA, USA, 1 September to 2 October 2013.
King, G.E.: "Hydraulic Fracturing 101: What Every Representative, Environmentalist, Regulator, Reporter, Investor, University Researcher, Neighbor and Engineer Should Know About Estimating Frac Risk and Improving Frac Performance in Unconventinal Gas and Oil Wells," SPE Paper 152596, to be presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, TX. 6-8 February 2012.
King, G.E.: Technology Evolving in Liquid Plays," American Oil and Gas Reporter, 2011.
King, George E., Leonard, Dick.: "Utilizing Fluid and Proppant Tracer Results to Analyze Multi-Fractured Well Flow Back in Shales: A Framework for Optimizing Fracture Design and Application," SPE 140105, prepared for the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 24-26 January, 2011.
King, G.E.: "Thirty Years of Gas Shale Fracturing: What Have We Learned?" SPE 133456. presented at the 2010 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, September 19-22, 2010.
King, G.E.: "Basics for Completions, Stimulations and Operations in Gas Shale", 2009, a literature and experience study covering over 300 shale completions papers. For the SPE Formations Damage Symposium short course on multifractured, horizontal shale completions in February 2010.
King, George E.: “Increasing Fracture Complexity and Controlling Downward Growth in Shales,” Canadian Institute Capturing Opportunities in Canadian Shale Gas, January 20, 2009.
King, George E.: “Microseismic”, Ft Worth Basin Oil and Gas Journal, January 2009.
King, G. E., Haile, Luke, Shuss, Jim, Dobkins, Terrell A.: “Increasing Fracture Path Complexity and Controlling Downward Growth in the Barnett Shale,” SPE 119,896, Presented at the SPE Shale Gas Production Conference, Ft. Worth, 16-18 Nov, 2008.
David Ross and George King – chapter on Gas Well Completions in "Modern Fracturing: Enhancing Natural Gas Production", 2007.
Julian, J., King, G., Johns, J., Sack, J., Robertson, D.: “Detecting Ultra-Small Leaks with Ultra-Sonic Leak Detection – Case Histories from the North Slope,” SPE 108906, Veracruz, Mexico, June 27-30, 2007.
Julian, J., King, G., Cismoski, D., Younger, R., Brown, D., Brown, G., Richard, K, Meyer, C., Sierra, J., Lechband, W., Sack, J., Julian, F.: “Downhole Leak Determoination Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Surveys at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,” SPE 107070, ATCE. Anaheim, CA., Nov 11-14, 2007.
King, George E., chapter on Casing Design and Cementing in “Drilling Engineering” by J.J. Azar, University of Tulsa, 2006.
King, G.E.: “ Chapter 4 – Perforating, SPE Text on Production Engineering,” SPE, 2007.
Michel, C., Stephens, R., Smith, D., Crow, W., King, G.E.: “Reverse Circulation with Coiled Tubing: Results of 1600+ Jobs,” SPE 89505, SPE/ICOTA, March 23,24, 2004, Houston.
King, G. E., Wildt, P., O’Connell, E.: “Sand Control Completion Reliability and Failure Rate Comparison with a Multi-Thousand Well Database,” SPE 84262, Annual Technical Mtg, Oct 5-8, 2003, Denver.
King, G. E., Wesson, R., Vloedman, J.: “Plastic Liners for Tubular Repair and/or Production Improvement,” World Oil, July 2002, p67-71.
Gidley, J., King, G.: “CO2 Overcomes Sandstone Acidizing Problems,” O.G.J., September 30, 2002.
Wesson, R., King, G.E.: “In-Place Plastic Lining of Wells,” SWPSC, April 2002.
Hill, D.G., Lietard, O., Piot, B., King, G.E.” Chapter 14 - Reservoir Stimulation, Formation Damage Origin, Diagnosis and Treatment Strategy., 2000.
Ford, G.T., King, G.E., Vloedman, J.A.: “Large Diameter Coiled Plastic Tubing – Insertion in Casing for Flow Improvement,” SPE 46051, SPE/ICOTA Mtg. April 15-16, 1998.
Tiffin, D.L., King, G.E., Larese, R.E., Britt, L.K.: “New Criteria for Gravel and Screen Selection for Sand Control,” SPE 39437, SPE Formation Damage Control Forum, Lafayette, Feb 18-19, 1998.
King, G.E., Vloedman, J.A., Ford, G., Westermark, R.: “A Proven Technique for Economic, In-Place Casing Lining Repair,” SPE 38758, SPE Annual Tech. Mtg. October 5-8, 1997.
Procyk, A., King, G.E.: “Use Sand Analysis to Select Screens for Non-Gravel Packed Completions,” World Oil, November, 1997.
Townsend, S., Onyia, E., King, G.E.: “Through Tubing Whipstock to Exit Two Casing Strings,” World Oil, May 1997.
King, G.E., Ford, G., Bullock, G., Craig, K., Westermark, R.: “HDPE Casing Liner Prevents Leaks, Increases Flow Rate,” World Oil, 1 Sept. 1996.
King, G.E.: “Introduction to the Basics of Well Completions, Stimulations and Workovers,” a self-published text book, printed 1988 to 1998, 650 pages.
King, G.E.: “Improving Quality Control in Alliance and Partnering,” J. Pet. Tech. March 1994, p 192.
King. G.E.: “Tough Challenges and Intriguing Solutions to Horizontal Well Opportunities,” Paper presented to the Horizontal Well Technology Forum, Jan 24-25, 1994, Houston.
Gidley, J., Brezovec, E.J., King, G.E.: “An Improved Method for Acidizing Oil Wells in Sandstone Formations,” SPE 26580, SPE Annual Mtg., Houston, Oct 4-8, 1993.
Carlson, J., Gurley, D., King, G.E., Price-Smith, C., Waters, F.: “Sand Control, Why and How,” Oilfield Review, October, 1992.
Norton, V., Edens, F., Coker, G., King, G.E.: “Large Diameter Coiled Tubing Decreases Risk of Formation Damage, “ O.G.J., July 20, 1992, p111-113.
King, G.E., Strategies for Using Downhole Paraffin Degraders,” The Bioremediation Report, Vol. 1, No.7, July 1992.
Puri, R., King, G.E., Palmer, I.: “Damage to Coal Permeability During Hydraulic Fracturing, “ SPE 21813, Coal Bed Methane Symposium, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Al, May 13-16, 1991.
King, G.E., Buckley, P.D.: “A Study of the Storage Factors Affecting Perforating Charges, SPE 21656, Prod. Op. Symp., Okla. City, April 7-9, 1991.
Trbovich, M.G., King, G.E.: Asphaltene Deposit Removal – Long Lasting Treatment with a Co-Solvent,” SPE 21038, Int. Oilfield Chem. Symp., Anaheim, California, Feb 20-22, 1991.
King, G.E., Formation Clays: Are They Really a Problem in Production?” Origin, Diag. And PetroPhy. Of Clay Minerals in Sandstones, SEPM, Soc. For Sedimentary Geology, Spec. Pub. No. 47, April 1992.
King, G.E.: “Effect of High Density Perforating on Mechanical Crush Resistance of Casing: Casing Tests,” SPE 20634, 1991 Annual Tech. Mtg. New Orleans, Sept 23-26, 1991.
King, G.E., “Perforating the Horizontal Well,” J. Pet. Tech., July, 1989, p671-672.
King, G.E.: “Perforating Multiple Strings of Casing – Getting Through the Overlap Zone,” SWPSC, Lubbock, April 1989.
Straub, T.J., Autry, S.W., King, G.E.: “An Investigation Into Practical Removal of Downhole Paraffin by Thermal Methods and Chemical Solvents,” SPE 18889, Prod. Operations Symp. Okla. City, March 13-14, 1989.
King, G.E.: “The Effects of High Density Perforating on the Collapse Resistance of Casing: Model Tests,” SPE 18843, Prod. Operations Symp. Okla. City, March 13-14, 1989.
King, G.E., Packard, B.R.: “The Causes of Blown Perforation Port Plugs,” SPE 18988, Rocky Mtn. Regional and Low Perm Gas Mtg., Denver, March 6-8, 1989.
King, G.E., Warden, S.L.: “Introductory Work in Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Performance: Core Tests and Field Results,” SPE 18485, Int. Oilfield Chem. Symp., Houston, Feb 8-10, 1989.
King, G.E., Lee, R.M/: “Adsorption and Chlorination of Mutual Solvents Used In Acidizing,” SPE Prod. Eng., May 1988, pp205-209.
Harms, S.D., Smith, M., King, G.E.: “Novel Workover Treatment Proves Effective in Permian Basin: Laboratory and Field Results,” SPE 17296, Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conf., March 1988.
King, G.E.: “Designing an Efficient Perforating Program,” J. Pet. Tech. May 1987.
King, G.E.: “Selecting a Perforating System,” J. Pet. Tech. March 1987.
King, G.E.: “How To Ensure a Good Perf Job,” Pet. Eng. Intl., Jan. 1987.
King, G.E.: “State of the Pocketbook Acidizing – Stretching Your Acidizing Dollars,” Paper presented to the SPE mini-symposium, Denver, Nov 19, 1986.
King, G.E., Bingham, M.D., Kidder, R.: “Factors Affecting Perforating Charge Performance and Relationship to Port Plug Condition,” SPE Prod. Eng., Sept. 1986.
Pittman, E.D., King, G.E.: “Petrology and Formation Damage Control, Senonian Sand, Offshore Gabon,” Clay Minerals, (1986), No. 21, p 781-790.
King, G.E., Holman. G.B., Tanso, A.: “Production From High Porosity Chalk,” Paper presented at the Northern Seas Conf., Stavanger, Norway, August 20-21, 1986.
King, G.E., Anderson, A.R., Bingham, M.D.: “A Field Study of Underbalance Pressures Necessary to Obtain Clean Perforations Using Tubing Conveyed Perforating,” J. Pet. Tech. June 1986.
King, G.E.: “Acidizing Concepts – Matrix vs. Fracture Acidizing,” J. Pet. Tech. May 1986.
Douglass, B.C., King, G.E.: “A Comparison of Solvent/Acid Workovers in Embar Completions – Little Buffalo Basin Field,” SPE 15167, Rocky Mtn Regional, Billings, Mt., May 19-21, 1986.
King, G.E., Holman, G.B.: “Hydrocarbon Solvents: An Alternative to Acid for Removing Some Formation Damage,” Int. Mtg on Pet. Eng, Beijing, China, March 17-20, 1986.
King, G.E.: “Foam and Nitrofied Fluids: Stimulation Techniques and More,” SPE 14477, Distinguished Lecturer Paper, 1985/1986.
King, G.E.: “Quality Control at the Well Site Optimizes Acidizing Economics,” O.G.J., March 18, 1985.
King, G.E.: “Shallow Well Stimulation Demands Good Engineering,” Pet. Eng. Intl., Dec. 1984.
Simon, D.E., Coulter, G.R., King, G.E., Holcomb, G.B.: “North Sea Completions – A Laboratory Study,” J. Pet. Tech., Nov 1982.
King, G.E.: “Foam Stimulation Fluids: What They are, Why They Work,” Pet. Eng. Intl., July 1982.
King, G.E.: “Identification of Causes of Formation Extrusion and Permeability Reduction in High Porosity North Sea Chalk,” Masters Thesis, University of Tulsa, December 1981.
King, G.E.,, Hollingsworth, F.H.: “Evaluation of Diverting Agent Effectiveness and Cleanup Characteristics Using a Dynamic Laboratory Model – High Permeability Case,” SPE 8400, Las Vegas, SPE 23-26, 1979..
King, G.E., Brown, T.M.: “Performance of Amoco A-Sol as a Mutual Solvent System,” Proc. SWPSC., Lubbock, April 1978.
King, G.E.: “Factors Affecting Dynamic Fluid Leakoff with Foam Fracturing Fluids,” SPE 6817, SPE Annual Tech. Cong., Oct 9-12, 1977.
One book “An Introduction to the Basics of Well Completions, Stimulations and Workovers,” self published 1988 to 1998 and used in teaching at University of Tulsa..
3 Patents – Fluid Loss Control and Water Control.
Co-wrote chapters in “Modern Fracturing” (edited by Economides and Martin), the SPE Volume IV Petroleum Engineering Handbook (edited by Larry Lake), and the 3rd edition of Reservoir Stimulation (edited by Nolte and Economides).